The Girl in the Basement
We’re thrilled to be able to announce a new release today – The Girl in the Basement, a short story by Wayne Simmons. Wayne and David Moody go back a long way, having regularly appearing at events together (and going…
The future of Infected Books
As promised, David Moody posted on his site about the future of Infected Books. You can read his post here. If all goes to plan, we’ll have more news for you by the end of July.
Social stuff
Instead of piggy-backing on Moody’s accounts all the time, we’re now on Facebook and Twitter. Please follow and tell your friends!
Welcome back!
We’ve been offline for a few weeks while we’ve worked to relaunch this site. Although it all looks pretty familiar, the focus has shifted in readiness for a slew of Infected Books releases due before the end of 2014. There’ll be a…