It’s Friday and we’re feeling all warm and fuzzy over here at Infected Books. We’ve prizes to give away and there’s fun to be had in the process.
To celebrate the recent release of Wayne Simmons’ gritty thriller, THE GIRL IN THE BASEMENT, we’re running a good old fashioned ‘name that tune’ comp. Chapter seven and eight of THE GIRL features five tracks that are alluded to but aren’t named. We want you to identify each of the tracks based on the clues offered. Some are easy, some are a little more difficult. Let’s see who knows their pop music!
There are four prizes up for grabs: one pair of tickets for SCARdiff 2014, and signed copies of Wayne’s novels DOLL PARTS, FEVER and PLASTIC JESUS. Just complete the following form and press send! Entries need to be received by midnight, Thursday 8 August, and winners will be chosen at random.

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Find out more about THE GIRL IN THE BASEMENT by clicking here.
Get hold of a copy of the novella here: