To celebrate 15 years since the publication of Infected Books’ first novel, David Moody’s Autumn, we’ve declared 2016 YEAR OF THE ZOMBIE.
We’ll be announcing our second title in the series very soon but, first, we want to talk more about our promise to sign up one of YOU as our 12th author.
Yes, as previously announced, we’ll be running a very special Pitch & Page comp via the Infected Books facebook page.
The comp will be judged by our very own Dragon’s-Den-esque panel of bestselling horror author and IB head honcho, David Moody, US literary agent, Gina Panettieri and Michael Preissl of German & English language publisher, Voodoo Press.
The winner will join our 11 established authors to have their novella released as part of the YOZ series.
Okay, so let’s set out the rules.
Who can enter?
The YOZ Pitch & Page competition is open to writers who fit any of the below criteria:
Previously unpublished
Published in short story form (ie. not a novella or novel)
How do you enter?
Entrants are asked to write a 25 word PITCH for a zombie novella and include the first PAGE (250 word excerpt).
The 25 word pitch and 250 word excerpt should be posted directly into a special, dedicated thread on the Infected Books facebook page.
The competition will run from 9am February 6th until midnight August 6th 2016.
Writers may only enter once and cannot revise/ edit their entry once it has been submitted onto thread.
Readers are encouraged to like the entries that appeal to them. In fact, the more popular an entry is, the more it may draw the eye of some of our judges.
The overall favourite, chosen by our judges, will be required to deliver their completed zombie novella (10K – 15K) to Infected Books immediately. If the manuscript is delivered, they will be offered a contract to be the 12th author for YOZ and published in October 2016. If the manuscript is not delivered, the next favourite entry will be chosen.
Any questions?
Ask them at our dedicated PITCH & PAGE: QUESTIONS thread on Facebook.
Good luck!