David Moody has just announced the winner of our Pitch and Page competition:
“It’s with great pleasure that I’m able to announce the winner of the Infected Books Year of the Zombie Pitch and Page competition. It’s taken a while for the judging process to be completed, and I’m sorry to have kept folks waiting for the result. We had a good number of entries, but there was a clear favourite which judges Michael Preissl, Gina Panettieri and I unanimously picked.
Congratulations to SCOTT MCGLASSON. Scott’s novella NOCK will be October’s Year of the Zombie release.
Huge thanks to EVERYONE who entered the competition. I’d like to particularly mention a number of other great writers who were highly commended by the judges: Dan Howarth, Matthew Gilman, Angela Bodine and Mouse-Diver Dudfield.”
Congratulations , Scott! Check back here soon for more information about NOCK!